Join Data Files based on Keys using Bash

Join Data Files based on Keys using Bash

I was looking for a *nix tool that takes two or more input files and joins them like SQL JOIN statement does. And I was not surprised at all. I found join.

Say I have the following 2 files. Each of the files are sorted, and separated by colon. I wanted to join them according to their numeric IDs.

~ > cat companies

~ > cat locations
1:Cupertino, California, United States
2:Redmond, Washington, United States
3:Mountain View, California, United States
4:Seattle, Washington, United States
5:Santa Clara, California, United States

By default join will merge input files based on first key. For example,

~ > join -t: companies locations
1:Apple:Cupertino, California, United States
2:Microsoft:Redmond, Washington, United States
3:Google:Mountain View, California, United States
4:Amazon:Seattle, Washington, United States
5:Intel:Santa Clara, California, United States

In case the input files have keys in different positions, it is possible to specify which column contains the key. For example, I changed the companies file and shifted the key column to right.

~ > cat companies

This is the join command I will be using. Note that -1 2 means the 1st file has its key in 2nd column.

~ > join -1 2 -t: companies locations
1:Apple:Cupertino, California, United States
2:Microsoft:Redmond, Washington, United States
3:Google:Mountain View, California, United States
4:Amazon:Seattle, Washington, United States
5:Intel:Santa Clara, California, United States