Native methods can be called from a Webview using JavaScript. To add a interface to webview, the method addJavascriptInterface
can be used. Here is an example.
First, create a class with public methods with @JavascriptInterface annotations (Not @JavaScriptInterface).
public class JSInterface {
public void toastMe(String text) {
Toast.makeText(mContext, text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Then attach the class name as the Webview's JavascriptInterface.
webview.addJavascriptInterface(new JSInterface(this), "JSInterface");
Call JSInterface.toastMe(text)
from Webview's Javascript instance.
var text = "I want to be toasted";
Here is a screenshot of the whole thing.
I used the text from webview to show as Toast using native Java.
Get the complete project source from my Github repository Android-JavascriptInterface-Sample.