An Easy to Use Boilerplate 'debuild' Project

An Easy to Use Boilerplate 'debuild' Project

"dpkg-deb-boilerplate" is an easy to use boilerplate debuild project for building debian package using Lanuchpad or other services.

Why do I need it? Isn't dpkg --build dirname enough?

dpkg --build dirname is good, but debian packaging policy provides a solid build system to easily install application binaries, libraries, service scripts, launchers, manuals etc. Also for automated build systems like ubuntu launchpad or opensuse build service you need to provide a source archive, not prebuild binaries. This boilerplate might come handy in such circumstance.

What do I need to make it working?

Install build-essentials which will automatically install make, gcc, g++, dpkg-dev etc. packages.

How do I make it working?

  • Download the repository.
  • cd to project-1.0 directory and run dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc.
  • Several files including project_1.0_amd64.deb will be built at parent directory.

So, how does it work actually?

Basically the boilerplate does

  1. Compile and build a demo library and executable from source, and install them to build directory.
  2. Debian packaging system takes the files from build directory, and packs them into deb file.

Umm, can you be more specific?

  • src/project contains the source. Running make -c src/project builds project, project.h and Then make -c src/project install copies them to build directory.
  • debian/rules creates a shadow directory tree under debian/project, and copies files from build to there.
  • debian/control is used to specify package name, architecture, dependecy, version, maintainer etc inforamtion.
  • postrm is used to cleanup when package is uninstalled.
  • postinst is used to reload library database after install (helps the command project easily find

Can I add my own init.d script, launcher icon, manual pages etc?

Yup, you surely can. Check out Debian Policy Manual and you are good to go.

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